CEO/Certified Strengths Coach

CEO/Certified Strengths Coach

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Have You "Checked Out" at Work?

You are not the only one!

According to Gallup's most recent data, 70% of people are either not engaged or actively disengaged at work. Meaning, they have "checked out." Having been in Corporate Human Resources for 15 years, I have personally witnessed employees become frustrated and angry, loose passion for the work they once loved, feel unappreciated, burn out, and develop chronic illnesses. I can honestly say I was one of them.

When I left my corporate job and started my own business, I invested in a personal Coach. At my Coach's request, I took Gallup’s StrengthsFinder to discover my top 5 strengths. It was through coaching that I learned how to align my strengths to my talents both personally and professionally. This became the foundation that transformed my life, helped me discover my unique calling, and put me on the path to lead, inspire, and serve other Professionals.

If you have never taken StrengthFinder, I highly encourage you to do so.

  • Gallup's StrengthsFinder 2.0 shows you the top 5 areas where you can shine if you work toward adding the skills, knowledge, and practice required to build your talents into strengths. Gallup defines strengths as "consistent near perfect performance in an activity."
  • Aligning your strengths to your job/career role according to Gallup's Research is transformational not only professionally, but personally. Their studies PROVE it.
  • Learning how to apply your strengths can help you identify career roles that make the most use of your strengths or help you maximize your strengths to achieve greater success in your current role.
  • Your unique strengths can lead you to discover your "WHY" in life that allows you to define your purpose, calling, or legacy.

You can purchase StrengthsFinder 2.0 (code to StrenghtsFinder assessment is included) by clicking on the book below.

Once you have taken the assessment and downloaded your report, I would love to offer you a FREE 60 minute virtual coaching session to help you analyze your report!

Just contact me!

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