CEO/Certified Strengths Coach

CEO/Certified Strengths Coach

Monday, August 24, 2015

Confront Your Real Story Part 4: Living Out Your Purpose to Leave a Legacy

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life…don't let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs.

Our innate talents are the seeds of our purpose in life developed at birth. However, it takes nurturing our talents into strengths to fully discover and understand our true calling. We all have talents, which are our gifts to the world. And when used to serve others leaves our footprints to follow.

What is your purpose? What legacy will you leave behind for your children, your children’s children, the community, the World?

Although this question may stump you, cause anxiety, or make you uncomfortable, I discovered the process of answering it became much easier once I identified by innate talents with the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, I was able to confidently answer these 5 questions and I knew I had uncovered my “WHY”:

  1. What do I do?
  2. How do I do it?
  3. Why do I do what I do?
  4. What makes me unique?
  5. What do I need from others?

Each of us has a purpose that is unique. I believe that leaving my legacy does not have to be an act of grandeur, or defined by the amount of money in my bank account, or by being designated as “famous.” Though, that is okay too. My legacy is driven by me intentionally using my strengths to make a difference with one, maybe two, things I do every day. It is about the one person I inspired, the one idea that solved another person’s problem, or the one act of service that helped a person in my community.

Simply put, it is about how I use my strengths to be my best self and positively make a difference in even a small corner of my World and those around me. By declaring my life purpose, I have, undoubtedly, created a meaningful life.

So ask yourself, what is one phrase you would want to be written on your tombstone, or be remembered by at family reunions, or celebrated for on the anniversary of your death? This is the one phrase that family and friends will remember, cherish, and love you for long after your passing.

I discovered that the key is to create your own legacy today. Don't wait for others to define your legacy after death. The power of knowing today what your purpose is gives you the opportunity, no matter your age, to create a life of joy, happiness, fulfillment, and success while living in the present moment. Live your life now, don't wait till tomorrow.

“You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now.” – Joan Baez

My purpose:

“I want to inspire others to never give away their dreams, passions or HOPE!” – Beckie Jorgensen

Are you struggling to define your life purpose? I can help. I have created a special coaching program just for you, The Art of Leveraging Your Strengths to Live Your Life Purpose.

For more information: please visit

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Confront Your Real Story Part 3: The Breakthrough Moment

On July 15, 2015, I crawled out of THE PIT and committed to my SEARCH for a solution to my current situation. This action was prompted after watching a 3 part video series with Ted McGrath and writing my first blog post, Confront Your Real Story: Get Rid of the Ghost. As part of my SEARCH, I continued listening to several more to live calls with Ted McGrath about his program “Message 2 Millions.” These calls were the beginnings of Ted teaching his audience how to create a 7 Step Blueprint to monetize their life story and grow their coaching businesses. As I listened, I became more and more intrigued. For the first time in 15 months, I felt every bit of advice Ted was giving made perfect sense to ME. Wow! I felt myself wondering, how can I continue to work and learn from this genius of a Man?

As I previously stated in my second blog post, Confront Your Real Story Part 2: The Power of Persistence, I had at that point only a few hundred dollars left to my name. I had been attempting to build my coaching business for over 15 months, burned through my retirement savings, had no income, and could not pay my bills. For the first time since my divorce in 2008 and being single, I had to ask for help. Holding my head up high, I continued my SEARCH for a solution as I watched my bank account diminish to less than $20.

What happened next, I can only explain as a shift in my Universe. All of a sudden, I was receiving multiple Facebook and LinkedIn invites from complete strangers, many of whom were coaches, authors, and motivational speakers. ME? WHAT? ARE YOU FOR REAL? WHO AM I? I watched my website traffic increase 900% in just 2 weeks, mostly from people reading my two blogs.

I diligently responded to these connection requests, accepting invites, and scheduling calls to actually speak to people on the phone. These conversations started to build a community around me of beautiful, kind-hearted, loving, and inspiring people. All of whom had a story of their own. On Saturday, July 25, 2015, I spent another three hours listening to Ted McGrath’s live webcast. Once the call ended, I ransacked my office, digging in file folders and drawers, searching for the one thing that could lead me to the BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT.

Embarrassingly enough, I found one inactive, unused credit card. Do I dare do this? Is this really the answer? I broke down crying, scared to death, knowing this was a huge risk to take. But, I needed to come up with a few hundred dollars to put a refundable deposit down just to schedule a call with one of Ted’s coaches. Yes, you read that right. I had to interview and be accepted into the “Message 2 Millions” program. Meaning, I could be told “this is not the right program for you,” get my deposit back and be sent on my way. With tears in my eyes and racing thoughts of failure, uncertainty and fear, I held onto the only positive emotion left, HOPE.

Three days later, I spoke to Ted’s Strategy Coach, Preston. He spent over an hour and a half on the phone with me. He asked me several questions about my business, Mission, and goals. He challenged my thought processes about money. Kindly, Preston pointed out to me that I had a major mindset block related to my own view of my “value” and being “worthy” enough to make a living doing what I passionately set out to do. In fact, Preston said to me, “Beckie, you can do this. But, you need to get out of your own way.” GULP, I held back the tears.

My reply, “Are you ready for my credit card number?” Preston quickly took my card number knowing that any further delay would be my breaking point. Either, I was going to “take action” or “stay stuck.” Ironically, this was the exact life lesson, taking action, that I was building my coaching practice on. In complete silence, he ran my card. Once the “let’s get started” transaction went through, Preston said, “It is okay Beckie, you can breathe now. We are here to help and support you!” GULP. (Need a tissue? I do.)

As I write today, my blog Confront Your Real Story Part 3: The Breakthrough Moment continues to unfold. But, the difference today compared to 3 weeks ago is sanely different. I am actually learning how to build a thriving business and am doing “the work.” The clarity of where I am going and how to get there has created a higher power of self-confidence, worthiness and belief within me that “I am living my life purpose.”

That my friends is the transformational benefit of confronting your real story, healing, and opening yourself up to the Universe to access your greatest power and purpose in life!

~ To Be Continued ~

To inspire you and celebrate your journey, click the link below to watch and listen to:Glorious by David Archuleta